About us

Procurafrica has been active on the continent for 20 years managing projects and delivering actionable results. We believe in our capacity to help local communities transform their lives on the long term through a better utilization of their land, human resources, and healthcare systems. Our team of international cutting-edge experts brings expertise, innovation and out-of-the-box thinking.

We cover the whole spectrum of the projects from feasibility studies, market research, training, business planning, technical set-up & audits, engineering & designs, procurement, financing solutions, commissioning and management.

Areas of expertise

Agriculture & Food Security

Agriculture & Food Security

The four pillars of food security are availability, access, utilization and stability over time. We help improve food security through sustainable agricultural projects impacting daily life of local communities. We create employment and contribute to prosperity.

Our services include: Feasibility studies, technical audits, turnkey projects, operations & management of agricultural farms, industrial facilities, logistics and training.


We develop healthcare infrastructure adapted to local needs. From small medical centers to large-scale hospitals, from mobile clinics to digital medical consultations, we are your partner for analyzing, designing, building, equipping and training.

Our international team of experts brings knowledge, expertise, latest technological solutions and most importantly trust to facilitate medical access to local communities. Whether we are tasked to design a medical facility from scratch or to improve an existing one, we apply the same level of professionalism and passion. Improving healthcare systems for the benefits of thousands is part of our DNA.

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